Geronimo Springs Museum

The Geronimo Springs Museum is home to the largest prehistoric pottery collection in Sierra County New Mexico. View Mogollon Mimbres, Northern Jornada, Chaco, Cibola pottery traditions that date from A.D. 200 to A.D. 1350. The various museum exhibits include: fossils; minerals; Native American Pottery & Projectile Points; Ralph Edwards Room; historic photographs; authentic miner's cabin; ranching; genealogy research; historic newspapers; Camino Real Exhibit; & great examples of Western Artists from southern NM.

  • Location

    We are conveniently located in downtown Truth or Consequences, New Mexico.

    211 Main Street
    Truth or Consequences, NM

  • Hours

    Monday – Saturday: 10 am to 4 pm
    Sunday: Noon to 4 pm

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